Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Experience: Illness or Injury

Please share with us a happy memory of illness or injury.


Wayne said...

Just this very day, a young friend of mine has had the day off school. Showing remarkable zest and energy this evening - despite his illness, the youngster was overheard explaining to his mum, 'You can't just tell by someone's voice that they're ill'. His point seemed to be that he had continued to suffer from some kind of invisible organic issue, as he'd cart-wheeled across the garden.

Anonymous said...

I remember the odd day ill in bed as a teenager, listening to radio 4 all day (even then I was dull...) and in particular I remember one day listening to Bo Hansson's album of music inspired by "The Lord of the Rings". The lapping of the water at the end of "The Grey Havens" was atmospheric indeed.