Monday, 5 May 2008

Tell: Big Brother

Senior television executives have asked, nay, begged you to be on the next series of Big Brother. They think you would create wonderful viewing material. Why do they think this? Do you agree or refuse? Why?


Wayne said...

It would be for the story of struggle - living with extremes in mindlessness and boorishness (which is how I perceived BB last time I watched it regularly - the series before last). As I feel right now, I'd accept the offer - there have been people in previous series who have gone through the experience without their worlds being shattered or their identities being completely messed up - a former nun (Anna), and a chap (Scott) from Liverpool spring to mind.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I'd be really toothy -- except I don't know what this show is about, so I better agree to disagree.