Thursday 20 November 2008

Travel / Politics / Sport (or otherwise)

Travel: It is likely that, soon, it would seem like the right thing to do to visit a good friend and his wife and the person that currently resides in the wife's tummy bump, in Cornwall. The idea of driving is not appealing. Recalling the same journey, by rail, got me thinking.
Do you have a favourite rail journey? If so, which is it?
: You are presented with the opportunity to ask any question to any contemporary mainstream political figure, with the promise that you will get an open and honest response to that question.
To whom do you pose your question, and what is it?
Sport (or otherwise): In England this week, one of the most over-used phrases has been 'There's no such thing as friendly, when these two teams meet'. The point being that we are assumed to loathe all things German, rather than dare to admire such qualities as good organisation and marshalling - as is so often evident in their football team. This got me thinking.
Is there, in any context - sporting or otherwise, a team or individual that or who you are often keen to see defeated? The notion strikes me as, well, just not British. Then again, if one tries hard enough, and does a bit of lateral thinking...
Good week to you.

1 comment:

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Ah yes, beat up on the Yankees (American baseball). They have and get so much money they make a travesty of the game. And what is really neato is that they STILL can't buy themselves a championship. Yankees suck, is what I always say.