Friday 25 April 2008

Debate: Should Children Rule The World?

Sometimes it seems to me that children are more sensible than adults; fairer; more clear-thinking. I was musing on this the other day, and it occurred to me that maybe children should govern, make laws, sit as judges etc. What do you think? Would it lead to world peace and harmony? Or would it be Lord Of The Flies on a grand scale? And, if the latter, would it really be very different to what we have now?


Wayne said...

I hear many examples of projects and social groups that are 'run by young people for young people' - the latest was mentioned in a newsletter of The Hansard Society. In such instances, I always wonder which young people are being referred to.

I think life would take a radically socialist and communist shift were many young children given the space to make big decisions. In other cases, I imagine that the various prejudices, biases and stereotypes that the young folk are exposed to would come simply be recycled.

Around such youth movements, idealism ought to be balanced against pragmatism - there are learned advantages to age and experience that we ought never be ignorant of.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Nah. The fighting would just start sooner.