Friday 18 April 2008

Debate: Leisure Travel

If Ordinary Joe can afford to travel extensively (planes, trains, automobiles) and he enjoys doing so, then he should. He should enjoy his travels, with no holding back. You only live once.

Do you agree or disagree?


Huw said...

So long as he doesn't leave the bathroom light on the whole time he is away.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

If not that, or some other leisure pursuit, what was the purpose of gathering the money? People with money ought to spend it, any way (almost) that they like.

Wayne said...

Huw - The Conservatives' policy, I believe.
Hoss - I'm guessing that references to planned economies, Communism and Socialism, aren't what you're looking for here. But a most apposite response, I must say.