Friday 7 March 2008

Debate: Names

'To name a child after a hero or heroine of stage, screen, music, sport, or any other form of popular culture, is to play with fire', argued Ringo Johnny Depp Schwarzenegger Brown, of Monkey's Eyebrow, Kentucky. Discuss.


LB said...

nah. You could argue that pretty much every name has been "used" by someone famous at some point. Adam and David were quite famous, as I recall.

I love those people whose middle names are, like, the Arsenal double winning side of 1970/1. Brilliant.

(incidentally, shouldn't it be "Barack for a boy, Hillary for a girl..."?

Wayne said...

lb, I'm sure that you will not be surprised to hear that in the way up north, my parents live within striking distance of a veritable of perm of Keegans.

Re Barack / Obama: you have a point, though who in their right mind would call their child Barack - that would be so... common.

Huw said...

I once taught a girl with the first name Sacha, and the middle name Distel. Fortunately, due to her relatively young age, this was lost on her peers. Mine too, actually, who just looked at me as if I was strange I gleefully told them about it.

The moral being something along the lines of "you can even bone the Brigitte Bardot of your day, but in 25 years no-one will know who you are".

Helen said...

I was at school with a chap called Crispin Golden, which was contemporaneous with an advertisement for a particular cooking oil...

I think celebs who call their children after everyday objects are an equally interesting phenomenon. Think Peaches, River, Moon...

I appear to have developed an ellipse addiction...