Tuesday, 12 August 2008


An email has been received. See below. And so a review of the review is borne.

To the Chief Post Master.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain about the closure of my local Post Box on July 8th.

Being a gentleman of creative disposition, and indeed having been described by more than one acquaintance as "a man of letters", I am wont to unburden myself of my authorial juices from time to time in a generally epistolary vein. In this electronic age my emissions occur more rarely but I dare to say are of ever more refined and distilled wit and wisdom. When the Muse so moves me, I have found my local Post Box to be a singularly convenient receptacle for my observations on life, the universe et cetera.

Imagine then my chagrin this evening on repairing to the said Post Box, aflame with ideas and opinions, to find that it has been closed, without so much as a wherewithal or mock "stakeholder consultation", purely on the grounds of some soi-disant "review of commitment".

Was this the spirit that saw us through the Blitz, the Cold War and eleven years of Thatcher?

I beg to move a review of your review.

Your pessimistic but watchful tax-payer,

**** * * ****** (GLTA and bar, particularly the bar)

1 comment:

LB said...

I agree completely.

I wanted some TV Licence stamps and to renew my car tax as well, and had to go elsewhere....

Seriously, I was a bit disappointed when I saw the site had been "closed" - I had enjoyed my forays over here to (over)share information.